POTW: Westinghouse Factory

February 26, 2010 at 4:50 am

POTW: Westinghouse Factory

Winter is still in full force but the sun decided to finally come out. Been meaning to go to the Westinghouse factory for a while now. Apparently I wasn't alone in this since while I was there I ran into a group of three other photographers. Also ran into a group that was just walking around, including a young boy maybe 10 or so. Kind of a dangerous place to be taking a child to but he seemed to be enjoying it. I was there by myself (yes, I'm that crazy) so I had plenty of time to try out some new techniques. I spent a good half hour trying to capture the water dripping from the roof firing a flash from the side and various other tricks and didn't get anything usable. Did have fun with a broken elevator (like I said, I'm crazy). Since it was completely dark I hooked up my flash to a remote trigger and set it in the corner of the elevator and got a couple interesting shots. Ultimately I had composition issues since neither image looked straight. I may revisit them later. Those pictures and everything else I took are visible in the gallery.

Posted in Photography.

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