This page will select a RFC 1178 compliant name that can be used to identify a computer on a local network. If you don't like the name given, simply reload this page to view another. This information is selected from a database consisting of 453 entries.

You can now narrow the list down to a specific origin.

I am looking for some more places to get names from. If you know of any good cartoons, movies, etc to pull names from let me know.

  • name: MADGE
  • origin: female, greek
  • meaning: approval
  • added: 2002-04-28 07:00:00
  • row id: 212


Yes, I'm starting to create some basic API commands. These allow you to grab data to use for your own site or application. If you do create something with these, let me know and I can list it here.

getone - Text response with a single random name (Added July 10, 2007)

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me
