POTW: Worldwide Photo Walk 2010

July 31, 2010 at 5:39 am

POTW: Worldwide Photo walk 2010

This week I participated in the Worldwide Photo Walk. I went to the cleveland one that included a chance to take pictures from the roof of the terminal tower. Fortunately the weather held up and was able to go up there.

This was my first photo walk with a group of people and was amusing seeing what everyone did. Was also amusing watching all the bystanders having no idea why there's this group of people with camera's taking pictures of cracks in walls and close up views of puddles. Don't think I got any contest worthy pictures but still got some good ones.

The rest of the pictures are in the photo gallery.

Apologies on the brevity of this post. I use Evernote to write all my drafts and for some reason the application is being difficult so I have to type this in the web interface that keeps messing things up.

Posted in Photography.

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